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Lynn Pappas

My sister and I are cruising Arcachon Bay where there are oyster farms. We stopped to enjoy oysters on the half shell.
Wine tasting at Chateau de Fernando located in the Bordeaux wine region. You know it is a good day when your first wine tasting starts at 10:30 am!
The Chateau de Fernando is actually a home.
An outdoor market in Sarlat, which was amazing.
The charming town of Perigueux with Roman and medieval architecture.
Perigueux is a charming town with Roman and  medieval architecture. The Lascaux Caves were discovered by accident, but date back to 15,000 years B.C. The cave paintings are amazing with clear details of the animal quite visible.
A charity hospital is opened for the poor in 1443. They placed two patients to a bed as there was no heat. This hospital remained open until 1971. Of course, there were many improvements.