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To protect member privacy, you'll need a password to access these newsletters.

September 2024 - Tapas and Trivia Fiesta, Luncheon with Hunger Fighters Oregon
October 2024 - still being worked on


NWC Travelers - photos and videos of NWC members' travel

Member privacy

NWC newsletters contain the names, email addresses, birthdates, and phone numbers of some members. Your home address may be there as well if you sponsor a function at your home. To ensure member privacy, access to the newsletters is protected by a user name and password. We call these credentials.

Your web browser will cause these credentials to expire after about one year. After they expire, you'll be asked to enter them again. This is a small price to pay for your privacy.

Your browser may expire these credentials more often, such as when you clear your browser history.

Phone Home Screen

If you want to place an icon on your phone screen so you can more easily access the newsletters, follow these directions.

For the iPhone, use the Safari browser and access the newsletter page - Then touch the Share icon at the bottom of the page and select Add to Home Screen. Confirm that you want to do this. That's it.

For Android, use the Chrome browser and access the newsletter page - Then touch the menu icon (three dots in the top right-hand corner). Tap Add to the Home Screen. Choose a name for the icon, such as "Newsletter."


You will soon be able to customize your newsletter experience. For example, if you find the text too small to read on your smartphone, you'll be able to increase the size.